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Milfoil Treatment

  • 15 May 2017 10:38 AM
    Message # 4834664
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    I thought I understood the plan for milfoil treatment but then my neighbor came over this weekend with a completely different understanding, so I'm hoping to get clarification. The flyer that went out showed the north side of the peninsula as having milfoil (red dots). It also showed the south side of the peninsula as not having milfoil (no red dots). But, there wasn't any treatment noted for the north side and there was treatment noted for the south. 

    Basically, I'm just wondering if we're going to get milfoil  treatment on the north side of the peninsula. And when is the treatment happening?

  • 18 May 2017 10:12 AM
    Reply # 4840039 on 4834664
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Thanks for asking this, Sam.  I believe its' a common question among lake owners right now.

    The flyer you're referencing can be found here.

    The map contained in the flyer was from last summer.  Based on my use of the lake, there are definitely areas that had abundant milfoil that aren't referenced as such on the map.

    Rice Creek Watershed District will be performing another delineation mapping for 2017 in May/June to determine the treatment areas.  The map will be reviewed by LLIA and then provided to Lake Restoration who will facilitate the permitting and treatment process late June/early July.  

    We're doing our best to maintain this information on our site at Water Quality>Invasive Weeds>Treatment Plan.  However, I understand there's a lot of content there to sift through.  Also, please bear with us and we go through the process for the first time.  Hopefully we'll gain some lessons learned that can be applied for years to come.  

    We understand that there is strong interest, so we'll send email blasts with the latest info to keep members informed.  

  • 19 May 2017 9:11 AM
    Reply # 4841983 on 4834664
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    This is great explanation! Thank you for taking the time to draft up. I'll pass along to the neighbors on all sides!!!

  • 24 May 2017 9:11 AM
    Reply # 4849443 on 4834664
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    We have recently heard concerns expressed about the Rice Creek Lagoon area not being included in the delineation mapping.  We will contact RCWD to make sure this is included as well.  Thanks for the input!

  • 31 May 2017 9:46 PM
    Reply # 4873599 on 4834664
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    RCWD said they'll be out the first week of June to perform the delineation mapping.  Stay tuned for more info. 

  • 8 Sep 2017 8:56 PM
    Reply # 5071321 on 4834664

    Can we make an adjustment in 2018 to the process for deciding which areas are treated? The delineation map is a piece of it but it was way off for 2017. Our area did not get mapped as needing treatment, but the entire area was not usable- it was totally choked out with milfoil.  Perhaps it was not showing when the mapping was done due to weather conditions or high water but that only highlights the need to gather more information besides just relying on the map. Maybe next year residents should have a chance to have input to the map before it's finalized? Thanks for considering.

  • 9 Sep 2017 7:04 AM
    Reply # 5071733 on 4834664
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Thanks for using the forum.  

    Please reference the following News posting and associated email from June 20, 2017 communicating the completion of the survey: Milfoil Update ~ Delineation Map Complete.

    We asked for feedback, but didn't receive any from homeowners; "We are working with LRI regarding treatment options, but in the meantime want feedback from homeowners regarding the delineation map.  If you feel you have an EWM issue that isn't referenced on the map, please add a comment to this news article with your address so we can note it."  

    We will continue to ask for feedback regarding the delineation mapping as it released each year by RCWD and will incorporate into the treatment plan if appropriate.  This is the lake owners opportunity to provide input. 

    This year many residents faced a late bloom where pieces of Milfoil rooted on their lakeshore in August, past the treatment date.  I anticipate that will be an ongoing issue and we plan to discuss with LRI to see if they have any suggestions.  We'll also be updating our site over the winter with instructions on how residents can independently seek a permit and treatment since LLIA will not be able to assist with isolated weed issues.  

    We appreciate the support, 

  • 19 Oct 2017 4:20 PM
    Reply # 5322796 on 4834664

    The treatment of milfoil on the west side shore line across from the beach. Was none it was not!!!! Evaluated correctly and the milfoil was soooo thick I could not even walk through it. When they did there evaluations they must of missed our whole shore line. This Needs to be corrected. Thanks 1519 14th Ave nw. 55112 thanks. 

  • 19 Jan 2018 2:46 PM
    Reply # 5691927 on 4834664
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Please reference both the LLIA and Individual Treatment plans under Water Quality>Invasive Weeds for more information on this.  

    LLIA will treat once annually for large scale treatment of Milfoil and Curly Leaf Pondweed.  Beyond that, individual home and easement owners will need to treat on their own lake shore.  

Long Lake Improvement Association of New Brighton, Inc is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization.  All dues are utilized towards water quality, safety, and education. Please email us at with questions, comments, or suggestions.  
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