New Brighton, MN ~ Ramsey County

2024 Acknowledgment of Supporters

Supporters listed on this page made contributions since January 1, 2024.  Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this list.  Please contact us at to note any changes.  THANK YOU to those who have contributed.  Long Lake is a living treasure, but one that is fragile.  Your proactive efforts and generous support will help ensure that it remains healthy and vibrant for generations to come.

John Broghammer

Deb and Wayne Eck

Greg and Deb Meyers

Dave Rubash

Jason and Jamie Scott

Cody Baker

Justin Heyl

Sam and Jess Hickman

Justin Campbell

Scott Donner

Gary Floss

Tom Hanson

Ken Pieh

Tom Schmidt

Paul Eck

Jim McDonald

Leon Kline

Jason and Mesa MacDonald

Matthew Pehl

Jacob Shaver

Jason Humphrey

Dan and Jennifer Tenenbaum

Forrest Pape

Lakeview Knoll Beach Improvement Assoc

Jerry and Judith Stanke

Jean Holschbach

Rachel Luong

Joel and Leslie Norton

Bev Roback

Warren and Mary Raiche

Adam Gerber

Gail Hain

Nicolas Kohler

Jeanne Erickson

Caroline Beckman

Justin Campbell

Jeanne Erickson

Gary Erickson

Gary and Vickie Sodahl

Jo-Ida Hansen

Jan Bokelheide

Barb Laporte

Connie Anderson

Jay and Lee Gunderson

Michael Frakes

Adam Eck

Long Lake Improvement Association of New Brighton, Inc is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization.  All dues are utilized towards water quality, safety, and education. Please email us at with questions, comments, or suggestions.  
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