New Brighton, MN ~ Ramsey County


The Long Lake Road bridge over Rice Creek has a yellow hash mark on the NE side of the bridge that identifies the high water mark at 866.22'.  

The no wake rule is a City ordinance and is to be declared by the City.  The New Brighton Police will notify LLIA when the ordinance goes into effect and we will issue an email blast (example to the right) to communicate when the lake elevation is over and below this mark and update this website.  Hennepin County Sheriff cannot declare no wake, however, they do enforce it.

Additionally, New Brighton Police will put a flashing light on the No Wake sign and will raise a red flag at the landing when the minimum wake restriction is enforced to alert launching boats and homeowners.

If any boats are seen once the no wake rule has been put into effect, please call Ramsey County Sheriff at 651-767-0640.

No wake means operating your boat at the slowest speed necessary to maintain steerage, but in no case greater than five miles-per-hour.  

Flashing light on No Wake sign.  This will be unlocked and opened up to say "NO WAKE ON ENTIRE LAKE"

Sign when unlocked and opened

Flag pole at landing signifying minimum wake conditions

Long Lake Improvement Association of New Brighton, Inc is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization.  All dues are utilized towards water quality, safety, and education. Please email us at with questions, comments, or suggestions.  
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